Friday, April 30, 2010

Carter Finally Gets It 3

I would reccomend this book to everyone to read, because I think that anyone could find something to like in this book. I think that it would be funny for even adults, because it would bring back memories from their highschool experiance. For me, it was really fun to read.

I think that even adults would like this book. Carter does a lot of things that almost anyone could relate to. I think a lot of people are like Carter, and tried out for a sport at their highschool. But Carter didn't only play sports. Another way people can relate to Carter is with having trouble in school sometimes. Everyone spaces out in class every now and then, probably not as much as Carter though. Carter also did a school play. He had so much variety in his freshmen year that I think anyone could find something similar to Carter.

That is why I think this book is so good. It had a lot of variety and it didn't focus on only one aspect of highschool. There was school, sports, plays, parties and much more. It was funny throughout the entire book as well. I can't see anyone not liking this book, unless they have no sense of humor at all.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Carter Finally Gets It 2

In Carter finally gets it, the main character Carter goes through a lot of the same problem other high school boys go through. I think that he is really easy to relate to. Throughout the book, Carter has a lot of different problems with school, sports, and girls. Sometimes its painful to keep reading, because everything is going wrong for Carter, but it's so funny that you have to keep reading. Those are two reasons why I liked reading this book so much.

I think that any high school boy could relate to Carter in some way. For example, Carter plays a lot of sports which is something I can relate to. Just like Carter, there are some days where I can not stand going to practice, but still go. Carter also experiances some of the harder things of playing sports, like getting cut from a team all of your friends made. This has also happened to me, but like Carter, I found something else to do, and had a lot of fun with it. Another thing I think boys could relate to Carter with is talking to the girl they like. Sometimes it can be hard to start a conversation with the girl you like. In the book, it is funny, because Carter starts to stutter whenever he talks to girls. That was a big reason why I liked this book, because Carter is so easy to relate to.

I really enjoyed reading Carter, and there wasn't very many moments in the book where I didn't like what was happening. Everything moved quickly, and everything was really funny. I think the author really understood the humor of high schoolers. I hope that I can find other books by this author becuase I enjoyed Carter finally gets it so much. I hope that I can convince others to read this book too.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Carter finally gets it

Carter finally gets it is probably one of the funniest books I have ever read. I'm not very far into the book yet, but I have loved every part of it so far. It seems like nothing can go right for Carter, but it still stays unpredictable. It is hard for me to stop reading this book because it is so funny, and I really like the story.

I would definetley reccomend this book to anyone. I think that anyone could find some humor in this book, even if you're not a teen. I can kind of relate to this book, because Carter is just starting high school, which was the same for me this year. Carter's perspective on things is always hirlarious. You almost have to feel bad for Carter because it seems like nothing can go right for him, but its too funny not to laugh at Carter's expense. This is one of very few books that has made me want to quit doing other activities in order to keep reading.

Carter finally gets it is insanely funny, and one of the best books I have ever read. I think that every teenager could relate to Carter in some way, and that everyone could find something they like about this book. I would highly reccomend this book.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Monster 5

Now that I have finished monster, I have had some time to think about it. I have thought more about the story and the characters. I still really like the book, and I would still reccomend it. I have had more time to think about they way the story was told, and I think that it was really cool.
Having the story told like a movie showed a lot of things that you wouldn't see in a normal book. Because its a script, you don't see what the main character is thinking at all times. You also don't have a narrator, so its totally different than any other book. I really enjoyed this part of the book, and it is one of the main reasons why I would reccomend this book. In my opinion, it made it a lot easier to read. I also liked how the story was about a teenager, because I thought it was easy to relate to the main character. In the story, Steve was under peer pressusre to help with a robbery, and he was intimidated by the older kids in his neighborhood. I know what its like to be in peer pressure, and I also know how it feels to be bossed around by older people. Those are the main reasons why I really liked this book.
There weren't many things I didn't like about this book. It wasn't like anything I had ever read, and I liked how everything was new to me. I would tell anyone who wanted to read a good book about Monster. Its easy to read, has a good story, and is unique. What's not to love?