Friday, May 28, 2010

Carter Finally Gets It 7

For this blog, I am going to talk about my favorite part of the book. I think that it was one of the funniest parts of the book and it was really well written. I think that it fit really well into the story and it helped advance the story.

My favorite part of the book was when Carter got moved up to varsity kicker on the football team. I liked it because I thought it was going to be a good thing happeneing to Carter for the first time. At his practice he hit the snapper both time right in the butt. I thought it was really funny. I think that the author wanted people to think that Carter was finally going to do something right. I think that Carter failling again adds more humor to the book.

That was my favorite part of the book. It had a lot of humor, and I thought it was well written. It was hard for me to pick a favorite part of the book because I liked the enitre book, but this part was the funniest in my opinion.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Carter Finally Gets It 6

For this blog, I am going to review the book Carter Finally Gets It. It is a book unlike any other. It has a lot of humor, an interesting story, and great characters. I'm sure anyone could find something to like in this book, especially anyone in highshool. So here is my review.

The first thing you will notice in this book is that it is hilarious. The humor starts from the very beginning and continues throughout the entire book. I have never read a book as funny as this one. It also has a good story. I never lost interest during this book, mostly because the story was so funny. It has a main theme of surviving highschool, so I think anyone can relate to that. Finally the characters are great. Carter is an awkward highschool boy, and it makes the story hilarious. You never really know what kind of trouble he is going to get in next. Overall there wasn't much wrong with this book.

Carter Finally Gets It was an excellent book that I would highly recommend. It has a good story, and characters that are easy to relate to. It is manages to stay funny for the entire book. If you are someone who wants to read a fun book, look no further than Carter Finally Gets It.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Carter Finally Gets It 5

The more that I think about it, the more I realize how unique this book is. Carter finally gets it is unlike any other book I have ever read. Its easy to see that this book was written for teenagers, but as I said earlier, anyone could enjoy it. It is so unique because it stays funny throughout the entire book and it does not try to be like every other book.

A lot of books that I read have a main character who is the star of his sports team. He leads his team to the championship and becomes a hero. In Carter Finally Gets it, Carter is not a hero. In fact he ends up losing a state championship for his team. I think that it was a nice change of pace to read Carter Finally gets it, because it was very unpredictable. It also managed to stay funny throughout the entire book. I think this is the first book where I lauged consistently for the whole book. It was really unique and fun to read. Those were two more reasons why this book is so awesome.

Carter Finally gets it is unlike anybook you have ever read. Carter does not win state for his team, or save the day, he doesn't go on a huge adventure or discover something new, he just lives through highschool, and it is hilarious. I didn't know what to expect when I first started reading this book, but I am glad that I did. The whole book was fresh and it is going to be hard for other books to compete with this book in humor.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Carter Finally Gets It 4

For this blog, I am going to talk about the things I didn't like in the book. I liked almost everything in this book, however there were a few things that bugged me in Carter Finally gets it. First of all, it seems like nothing good happens to Carter. I also didn't like how the book ended. Those are just two small complaints in an overall great book.

Almost nothing goes right for Carter in this book. Every time where it seems like Carter is going to succeed, he somehow fails. I thought that is was funny at first, but by the end of the book I found myself wishing for Carter to win at something. For example, Carter gets moved up to the varsity swim team. I thought that this was going to be really good for Carter and that he would be the hero at state, but no. Carter false starts and gets his entire team disqualified. I aslo didn't like the end of the book. It ended as kind of a cliff hanger. Either Carter ended up with Abby and they had a great time at a party, or he messed up and they didn't get to ever go to the party. I would have liked to know what happended instead of having to imagine which one actually happended.

Those were just two small complaints about the book. They didn't stop me from liking the book. I would still reccomend this book to anyone. Those are basically the only two things I didn't like about this book. It was funny, and had a good pace, and only two very small problems.